Houston, Dallas, & McAllen Texas Invasion of Privacy Lawyers

Rose Sanders Law Firm, PLLC, consists of a team of knowledgeable, experienced Houston/Dallas/McAllen Texas invasion of privacy lawyers. Fighting back against the invasion of privacy is something that we take very seriously. We want you to understand you are not powerless against an invasion of privacy.
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Texas provides for types of invasion of privacy claims

Misappropriation, which is the appropriation or exploitation of someone’s personality
Unlawful publicity, which is the publicizing of someone’s private affairs that has no legitimate public concern
Intrusion on seclusion, which is the wrongful intrusion into someone’s private activities that causes the person mental anguish, suffering or shame
What damages can be recovered for unlawful public disclosure of private facts? If the private facts were published but determined not to be newsworthy, the plaintiff may recover general and special damages, usually relating to emotional distress. 

Some statutes may also permit the recovery of costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. Punitive damages are sometimes permitted as well, to discourage a defendant from engaging in similar conduct again.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or injustice, the experienced personal injury legal team at Rose Sanders Law Firm is here to help with compassionate, aggressive representation. Please call (713) 221-3773.
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Rose Sanders Law Firm can be your advocate against the people who compromised your privacy.

Types of invasion of privacy claims for Texas victims

Invasions of privacy can affect anyone living in Texas - not only celebrities. The increased popularity of the internet and social media networking has made it easier for people to publish unwanted information about others without their permission. There are three types of claims that individuals can sue for when their privacy is invaded.

1. Misappropriation

Texas observes three types of invasion of privacy claims. The first type is misappropriation, or the misrepresentation of a person's name or likeness. This involves using another person's name, likeness or personal characteristics without his or her permission and usually exploiting it for financial gain. An example is a retail store that uses a local celebrity's name, without his or her permission, in their commercials to sell their products.
Exposure to dangerous chemicals

2. Unlawful Publicity

Unlawful publicity is the disclosure of private facts about a person in a public setting. These facts are often offensive and damaging to the person's reputation. An example is the unpermitted publication of a person's nude photos or private texts written to a close friend or family member on a social media page.

3. Intrusion On Seclusion

Intrusion on seclusion is the unwanted invasion of a person's privacy that is highly offensive. The intrusion must be "unjustified, unreasonable and/or unwarranted." An example is taking pictures of a person's house and publishing them on social media with threatening messages. Another example is setting up camera equipment on a person's lawn without his or her permission.

If you have had your private moments published online by someone else, here is what you need to know:

 It is not your fault. Even if you has consented to having intimate pictures or videos taken, publishing that media without your consent is a complete invasion of privacy, and it is against the law.
The harm you are feeling is real. The devastation you’re feeling is normal and understandable. If your privacy has been invaded, you are entitled to recover monetary damages for your emotional distress, and Rose Sanders Law Firm can help you.
Although you may believe that you are helpless to an invasion of privacy, the law is on your side. Many states have enacted Revenge Porn laws – laws specifically designed to combat the growing problem of unscrupulous publishing and spreading of intimate media without given consent. Rose Sanders Law Firm has a team of teams of Invasion of Privacy Lawyers with the skillset to save your reputation, and hold offenders accountable.
Just because something is true does not necessarily mean that it should be made public. Your privacy may be invaded despite the fact that what someone has said or written about you is true.

Most of us don’t want the rest of the world to know everything about us. There are many facts that we consider private. For example, a person born with physical defects who later corrected them through surgery may wish to keep those facts private. Or a person may have had a previous history of prostitution but has since become married and now lives a more “traditional” life.

Those who choose to enter public life – politicians and entertainers among them – have a somewhat reduced expectation of privacy. The courts have been more flexible regarding public disclosure of facts relating to the private matters of these persons.
One who discovers and discloses private facts about others may assert a widespread public interest, or “newsworthiness.” 

There is no strict standard as to newsworthiness. It is generally defined by the interest of the members of the community. Consequently, there has been much debate as to whether a person’s sexual activities or whether the name of a rape victim is newsworthy.

In invasion of privacy cases, however, it is the duty of the plaintiff to establish that the private information made public is not newsworthy.

Many states have statutes that prohibit public disclosure of facts that are private.
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Suing for invasion 
of privacy

The Texas Supreme Court states that every resident has a natural right to privacy. If a breach of this right occurs, a person can take action in court and possibly sue for compensatory or punitive damages. Any one of those three claims could be used to obtain monetary relief or an injunction against the defendant.

Rose Sanders Law Firm, PLLC, consists of a team of knowledgeable, experienced Houston/Dallas/McAllen Texas invasion of privacy lawyers. Fighting back against invasion of privacy is something that we take very seriously. We want you to understand you are not powerless to an invasion of privacy.

Rose Sanders Law has the unique experience you need to hold those who invaded your privacy responsible, and remove the offending content from the Internet, and stop the spread of pictures or videos that should have never been made public.

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Rose Sanders Law Firm, PLLC
1 Greenway Plaza
Suite 100
Houston, TX 77046
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Dallas Office

Rose Sanders Law Firm, PLLC
3232 McKinney Avenue
Dallas, TX 75204
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McAllen Office

Rose Sanders Law Firm, PLLC
813 N. Main Street
Suite 701
McAllen, TX 78501
(956) 877 2454
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El Paso Office

Rose Sanders Law Firm, PLLC
221 N. Kansas St
Suite 700
El Paso, TX 79901
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Find Out How Rose Sanders Law Can Help You

1 Greenway Plaza 
Suite 100 Houston, TX 77046
(713) 221-3773