February 29, 2024

9 Critical Steps to Follow After a Motorcycle Accident

Getting caught up in a motorcycle accident can leave you in a state of panic. You may find yourself a little lost when trying to figure out your next steps amidst the shock. When things get hectic, it's key to know what to do next in an effort to protect your rights and chase after the compensation you deserve for any harm done. 

Well, have no fear because this guide breaks down nine key moves you should make post-crash to tackle the aftermath with a clear head and confidence.

Let’s get started!

The Rose Sanders Law Firm - motorcycle accident guide; A police officer standing next to a motorcycle.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

The first and most important step after a motorcycle accident is to prioritize your health and safety. Even if you don't initially feel injured, adrenaline can mask pain or symptoms of serious injuries. Seek medical attention promptly by calling emergency services or visiting the nearest hospital or urgent care facility. Remember, some injuries, such as internal bleeding or traumatic brain injuries, may not be immediately apparent but can have serious long-term consequences if left untreated. Getting medical help right away does more than just look after your health; it also gives you a paper trail for your injuries that'll prove useful when dealing with insurance or court cases.

Report the Accident to Authorities

Texas law states that any motor vehicle accident resulting in injury must be reported to the police. Once you've solidified your safety and that of others involved, call 911 or the local police department to report the accident. An officer will soon arrive on the scene to size things up. They'll chat with everyone there and jot down all the details in a report that's crucial for any next steps. 

That report the cop puts together is gold when you're dealing with insurance or heading to court. Collaborate with police officers, ensuring you relay the incident's specifics accurately.

Notify Your Insurance Company

After seeking medical attention and reporting the accident to the authorities, it's essential to notify your insurance company. This step ensures that your insurance provider is informed about the incident and can initiate the claims process promptly. Get in touch with your insurance company to report the accident and kickstart the claims procedure. Delve into your policy to understand what's covered, how much you'll pay for deductibles, and the specifics of accident reporting rules.

When speaking with your insurance company, be honest and provide accurate details about the accident. However, refrain from admitting fault or making speculative statements.

Your insurance company will walk you through the claims process and evaluate the extent of your coverage for damages and injuries sustained in the accident.

Avoid Admitting Fault

In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, emotions may run high. You may feel inclined to apologize or accept blame for the incident, even if you believe you're not at fault. But remember, even if you're shaken up, it's vital to watch your words and not own up to the crash—it could backfire legally. However, whether speaking to law enforcement, insurance adjusters, or other parties involved in the accident, stick to factual information and avoid speculation.

Bear in mind, that pointing fingers right off the bat can backfire. Figuring out who's to blame is all about the hard facts and what the law says—not a quick guess. If you're unsure how to respond to questions about fault, it's important to consult with a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer. This will help you before engaging in discussions with insurance companies or other parties involved.

Obtain a Copy of the Police Report

After the police have completed their investigation and filed a report, it's essential to obtain a copy of the police report for your records. This document is packed with crucial details. It includes statements from those involved and witnesses, as well as the officers' perspective on how events unfolded at the scene.

You can typically request a copy of the police report from the law enforcement agency that responded to the accident. Additionally, you have the option to access it through the Texas Department of Transportation's Crash Records Information System (CRIS).

Thoroughly examine the police report, paying close attention to detail. If something doesn't add up, reach out to the cops straight away to get it sorted. Carefully checking the police report can make all the difference when you're filing an insurance claim, negotiating a fair settlement, or taking someone to court for their mistakes.

Document Aftermath and Expenses

In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, it's essential to keep detailed records of all post-accident expenses and activities. This includes medical bills, rehabilitation costs, vehicle repair estimates, and any other related expenses incurred as a result of the accident. Organize documents in a designated file or folder. Maintain a journal documenting your recovery process, symptoms, and interactions with healthcare providers. 

Keeping meticulous records bolsters your claim, as it lays out clear proof of the injuries and monetary hits you've taken. Also, hang onto all your emails and papers from insurance folks, doctors, and anyone else tied up in the crash. Log your expenses and daily activities after the accident; it's key to showing its real impact and securing the compensation you deserve.

Consult a Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Navigating the complexities of a motorcycle accident claim can be daunting, especially when dealing with serious injuries or disputed liability. When you're tangled up in an accident claim, getting help from a seasoned lawyer for motorcycle accidents who knows the ropes of injury law can really tip the scales in your favor. An adept Houston motorcycle accident lawyer will meticulously examine your situation. They will hunt for solid evidence and defend your entitlements to ensure you're justly compensated for the ordeal and financial hits you've taken. 

Your attorney will take the reins, dealing with insurers, and standing up for you in court when it's called for. With a skilled legal advocate by your side, you can focus on your recovery with the peace of mind that your rights will be protected.

Negotiate a Settlement

Insurance companies may offer settlement agreements to resolve motorcycle accident claims without going to court. However, these initial offers frequently fail to encompass the complete extent of your damages. Having a skilled motorcycle accident attorney argue your case is crucial. They work hard to ensure you get the full compensation you deserve for what you've been through. 

Your attorney will pore over the settlement's fine print. They'll figure out what your case is really worth and haggle with the insurance folks to score a deal that's in your best interest. When you've got a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer in your corner, they've got your back. They make sure you're treated fairly and fight for the financial support you need for bills, missed work, and the tough times after an accident.

File a Claim if Necessary

If negotiations with insurance companies fail to yield a satisfactory settlement, filing a formal claim may be necessary to pursue compensation through legal channels. In Texas, there is a statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit in personal injury cases. Typically, this timeframe is two years from the date of the accident. So, to make sure you don't miss your shot at getting what's owed for your injuries, talk to a lawyer about a motorcycle accident. They'll help you beat the clock on those legal time limits. 

Your attorney will meticulously build your case. They'll collect evidence and advocate for you in court, ensuring you get the full amount of compensation for what you've been through. Stepping into the legal arena lets you call out those at fault. You can secure a fair settlement that echoes your hardships.


In the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, taking proactive steps can make all the difference in protecting your well-being and securing the compensation you deserve. Arm yourself with these nine crucial steps after a motorcycle accident to confidently navigate the legal twists and secure what you rightly deserve. 

Remember, you're not going it alone on this path. Turn to the Rose Sanders Law Firm for a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer when you need someone in your corner. No one overlooks your rights or mutes your concerns on their watch.

Get Legal Help From The Rose Sanders Law Firm

At the Rose Sanders Law Firm, we understand the challenges you face after a motorcycle accident. Our legal team is ready to navigate the maze of court procedures and help you snag the settlement you're entitled to. 

Don't settle for less – reach out to us today at 713-221-3773 for personalized legal assistance tailored to your needs. With the Rose Sanders Law Firm by your side, you can rest assured that your rights will be protected, and your voice will be heard.

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(713) 221-3773